Our Services

We carefully match our carers to the specific needs and personalises of our service users and personal introduce our carers to our service users and family members. We are committed to quality care provision and the needs of our service users.

Hourly Care

Carers are available for a minimum of 15 minutes and we are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

Overnight Care

We can provide either awake, alert or sleeping carers for peace of mind for the service users, carers may be woken during the night if assistance is required.

Live in Care

The carer lives in the house and assists or takes care of all required responsibilities needed for daily independent living. This ensures proper and compassionate care 24 hours a day.

24 Hour Care

The carer is available is awake and alert all the time.

Palliative Care (End of Life)

Carers will assist with companionship and loving care through the final transitions.